Monday, January 22, 2007

Make money over $ 170,000 a Month! You want ?

"If you can scrape together just 30 minutes per day, you too can make an

extra $1400.37 or more every single week online"

Click here if you want to learn about it? How you can make ? :

Follow along as i practically hold your hand, showing you exactly how to fatten your wallet in just a few hours a week. This is an easy to follow, complete step by step guide to making some serious cash online.

Wade, why are you revealing such powerful secrets?

I get that question a lot. Why am I revealing all these secrets when I could just keep them to myself and rake in the profits? Many professional Internet Marketers that are making $100,000+ per year would rather see me keep everything confidential.
I tell them to get lost.

Basically there are two reasons that I made this ebook.

Reason Number One
The Internet is a gigantic place were millions and millions of people roam!!! As long as there is an Internet there will be a way for people to make money on it. I know for a fact that there are millions upon millions of untapped dollars floating around waiting to be taken by people like you and I. I will never have enough time to take advantage of all the profit making opportunities presented on the Internet, nobody will. So I'm not worried at all if people know my secrets to making money online. I know there is so much untapped opportunity that these secrets will always make me profits no matter how many people learn them.

Reason Number Two
When my family and friends found out how much money I was making online, they wanted to learn how it was done. Instead of explaining my secrets 20 different times to 20 different people, I thought it would be a lot easier to just make a guide that is simple to use and easy follow.

Click here:

Now let me ask you a few questions..

Have you tried to make money online but failed to produce any meaningful income?
This system will change that.

Do you hear stories of ordinary people making huge sums of money working from home and you want to learn how they do it? Now is your chance.

Do you want a simple but very effective way to make money online?
This system is very easy to follow and can produce tremendous results.

Do you want to make a few extra thousand dollars a month?
Then you can't miss out on this opportunity.

If your answer is " Yes "

click here and change your dream and your future:

Monday, January 15, 2007

Smart And Slim For You...

Outlaw Bodybuilder Thumbs Nose At WeightLoss "Experts" Who Earn Fortunes On The Sweat And Dreams Of Young Men & Women,And Finally Reveals The Simple Proven ScienceOf Fat Loss No One Else Will Tell You About...
Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach From New Jersey Teaches You How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism, Gain Muscle, Burn Off Body Fat and Develop Unstoppable Motivation ... Guaranteed! Discover How He's Taught Thousands of People to Get Leaner Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible!
Even if You Have Less-than Average Genetics... Even If You've Never Succeeded at Losing Weight Before... Even If You Have Stubborn Fat Deposits That Don't Seem To Budge... Right Here on This Web Page You've Found The Fat Loss Success System You've Been Looking For!
What Makes This Fat Burning Breakthrough So Exciting is That it Gives You The Power To...
Lose fat permanently. It's a fact - 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. Now you can learn how to be in the successful 5% group that keeps it off forever.
Lose body fat without wrecking your metabolism. If you've ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded "plateau," it's probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism. Not only will this system teach you the only way to prevent your metabolism from crashing, you will also learn more than a dozen ways to fire up your "metabolic engine" and accelerate your body's natural rate of calorie-burning.
Lose fat without drugs. When you mention bodybuilders, some people think of steroids or fat burning drugs. It's sad but true - most pro bodybuilders take them. But the joke's on them. Drugs work, but the results are temporary and the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who have learned how to use training and nutrition science to alter body composition without drugs are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently. Now you can learn these fat burning secrets from a natural bodybuilding champion who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done.
Lose fat without supplements. 97% of all supplements are a total waste of money! You are being lied to and ripped off by crooked companies that don't give a rat's ass about your health and well-being. If you want to learn the ugly truth about the $13 billion per year supplement industry, and the $40 billion per year weight loss industry, then read every word of this report because it could save you thousands of your hard-earned dollars!
Who I Am And Why You Should Listen to Me
There are thousands of diet programs and dozens of people claiming to be experts. However, very few of these so-called "Fat loss experts" practice what they preach or have the credentials and track record to back up their claims. Since you're probably wondering how this program is different, here's the whole story:
I've been bodybuilding for 23 years and competing for 17 years. I've been involved in the fitness industry as a personal trainer, health club manager, nutritionist, motivation coach and freelance writer for nearly 18 years. Bodybuilding and fitness is my life - it's all I've ever done.
You may have seen my photos or articles in some of the magazines or on the Internet: I've been in IRONMAN, Muscular Development, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness, Olympian's News (in Italian), Exercise for Men and Men's Exercise. I've written over 190 articles on bodybuilding, fat loss and fitness and you can find my articles featured on dozens of websites worldwide including, Female,, Lee Labrada's Lean Body Coaching Club, Will Brink's Muscle Building, Global Health &, A to Z, and too many others to mention.
I have a BSc. degree in exercise science, I'm a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and a certified personal trainer (NSCA-CPT). I'm a member of the International Society for Sports Nutrition (ISSN), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength And Conditioning Association (NSCA). I'm a competitive bodybuilder and I've won three state and three regional championships. I've even gone as far as 2nd place in the Mr. Natural USA and 2nd in the Mr. Natural North America contests.
One more thing - and this is important - I'm a "lifetime natural" bodybuilder. "Natural" means I've never used steroids or any other banned or illegal physique enhancing drugs - ever! You can achieve AMAZING results on this program without ever taking drugs - and I'm living proof!
14 Years of Study, Research, Trial, Error and Experimentation
I've spent my entire life studying bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition. Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted to know everything there was to know about getting leaner and more muscular - I've been absolutely consumed by it. So I started studying - and hard! I was voracious! I bought every book on bodybuilding, weight training, aerobics, fitness, exercise physiology, dieting, fat loss and nutrition that I could get my hands on.
When I was in college studying exercise science, I would spend hours at the University library. I would take home stacks of journals about physiology and nutritional biochemistry and study every word. At one point, I had saved up over 1000 fitness and muscle magazines and had read every one of them from cover to cover - even the advertisements! My library quickly grew to over 450 health and fitness books and I had read every word almost to the point of memorizing them.
Then, I Turned Myself Into a Human Guinea Pig!
Book knowledge is one thing, but it's not the same as knowledge from experience. I didn't just want my brain stuffed with scientific facts, figures and theories; I wanted to experience the effects firsthand. Personal experience is the only true teacher, and believe me...
I Tried Everything!
I tried a high carbohydrate diet with practically ZERO fat. I tried the Zone and Isometric diets. I tried food combining. I tried food separating. I tried high protein and "ketogenic" diets including the tuna fish and water diet. I tried the cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD) and body opus. I even tried - get a load of this - the so-called "anabolic" high fat diet (no pancakes, bagels or toast were allowed, but bacon, sausage and whole eggs in butter were just fine.)
And then there was my experiment with the "high egg hormone precursor diet" from a famous late bodybuilding guru from Hollywood. Yes, I ate three dozen WHOLE eggs a day, every day for months on end (and sometimes I washed them down raw mixed with half and half - I kid you not!) I also tried - or shall I say, wasted my money on - virtually every supplement from Amino acids to Zinc. Believe me, I've tried it all!
Now, 14 Years and Thousands of Diligent Work Hours Later,I Made Some Amazing - and Some Appalling - Discoveries
The first thing I discovered was that almost everyone is getting ripped off by supplement companies. I learned that most magazines are nothing more than "supplement catalogs" and that dishonest companies will tell you anything to make a fast buck.
The diet and supplement industries are filled with corrupt marketing vultures that are getting rich by preying on your fears, hopes and aspirations. Unfortunately, there's been no way of protecting yourself from becoming a victim of these ruthless scam artists - until now.
The second thing I discovered is that almost everyone is dead wrong in the way they diet to lose body fat. In fact, the way you're dieting to lose weight might be severely damaging your metabolism.
Is Your Diet Burning Fat or Making You FATTER?
If you're making the same deadly diet mistakes as most other people, you might lose some weight temporarily, but you'll actually get fatter in the long run. Your body is just way too smart for these "ordinary" diets to ever work - you can't fool a metabolic and hormonal system that's the result of thousands of years of evolution - You have to work with your metabolism, not against it!
When I finally figured out what was going on in the weight loss and supplement industries, I was mad as hell, and I decided I had to do something about it: I poured everything out of my head onto paper and began coaching people using this proprietary new fat loss system I developed.
Now, for the first time ever, the same fat burning system that has helped hundreds of my personal coaching graduates slash their body fat literally in half is available to you in a single, information packed, 337 page e-book:"

Click here

Make Money Unlimited

The search is finally over...Get ready to start earning a full time income online working just part time from your computer. If you want to start making several hundred even up to a thousand dollars per day working just a few hours a week you will want to pay very close attention to what I have to say below.
You can now start living your life the way you want! What does this mean... well for me it means not having to wake up to an alarm clock in the morning. It's not having to deal with a boss telling me what to do. It's not working for someone else making them rich while I do all the hard work. It's not having to worry about paying my bills on time. It means spending time with my family. It's going on vacations 6 times a year. It's driving to the mall to go shopping in one of my luxury cars at 1:00 in the after noon while everyone else is working. Bottom line is I can do what ever I want, when ever I want to. And I don't have any financial worries. I actually make so much money I don't even know where to spend it.
Enough about me... why am I telling you this stuff? Because I am going to give you access to my secret money making system call Ultimate Wealth Package. Until now I have never revealed my powerful money making strategies to the public. When I first started making a fortune online I even told my self I would never give away my secrets. However now I have now decided to reveal my secret money making system for the first time ever to the public.

just Clck here if you want to know about us

I was once where you are trying to figure out how to create an income online, but not knowing where to start. I spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on every type of money making system out there. Funny thing is not one of them worked for me. Then one day I came up with a secret idea to make money online. After I started making money online with one of my ideas I put a few more into place and started creating multiple steams of income at home from my computer.
The crazy thing is I now make more in one week than a school teacher makes working for an entire year. I can remember not too long ago when I was 3 payments behind on my mortgage and 2 payments behind on my old car. I hardly had enough money to buy a hamburger at McDonalds. Life is so much different now that I am making money on the Internet. I am going to share my secret system with you so you can start making money online and living the way you want to live, not just the way you have to
I have found a proven money making system anyone can use. You don't need any special computer knowledge. You don't have to know how to build a website, and you don't have to be a marketing guru. So what do you need? All you need to do is follow a few simple steps and you are on your way to making your own fortune online. This system is unlike anything you have ever seen before. You now have the opportunity to start making a full time income online working just a few hours per week from your computer.
With my system you will be able to create your own multiple streams of income. I provide you with everything you need to start making money online. I will reveal to you my most powerful secrets for making a fortune online. Not only that I will give you a step by step guide on how to get up and running right away so you can start making money today. For a limited time I am also going to give you a FREE money making website. This website is already setup to make you money, all you need to do is activate the site.
A few insiders who currently use my secret system have reported incomes between $10,000 and over $100,000 per month. My system is proven to work not only for me but also for the insiders who currently are using it. You can start seeing amazing results all you have to do is get started today.
First let me tell you I am not an Internet guru by any means, I am an average person who found a way to make a fortune using the internet. I am now sharing my secret system with you. I grew up in a lower middle class family where my parents always fought about not having enough money. I knew this was not the way to live and there was a better life out there. So I set out to make my first million, after trying one business after another and failing at everything I tried. Not to mention getting my self in debt way over my head. I decided enough was enough. So I gave up for a short time and worked my 60 hour weeks. Notice I said 60 hour weeks and not 40, well I had piles of debt from trying to start a business so I worked all the overtime I could get my hands on just to try to get my self out of debt.
One day while I was working I came up with an idea on how I can make money online. I went home and turned on my computer and decided to explore the online world. I got so excited from the ideas in my head I decided to use one of my sick days and call off work the following day. I stayed up all night putting together this system to make money online finally at 4 in the morning it was up and running, and I went to bed. I went out for breakfast in the morning with a friend and when I returned home I turned on my computer and got online. I could not believe my eyes!!! I made $112 while I was sleeping and while I was out eating breakfast. This was as much money as I would earn working all day at my full time job.
So needless to say I was able to quit my job one month later because I had made over $16,000 in my first 30 days. I have perfected my system and now I make a fortune every month. Keep in mind that I only work for two hours per day. Some days I don't even do anything yet I make thousands of dollars every day. The best part is you can start using my secret money making system and seeing amazing results right away.
I have found a proven money making system anyone can use. You don't need any special computer knowledge. You don't have to know how to build a website, and you don't have to be a marketing guru. So what do you need? All you need to do is follow a few simple steps and you are on your way to making your own fortune online. This system is unlike anything you have ever seen before. You now have the opportunity to start making a full time income online working just a few hours per week from your computer.
With my system you will be able to create your own multiple streams of income. I provide you with everything you need to start making money online. I will reveal to you my most powerful secrets for making a fortune online. Not only that I will give you a step by step guide on how to get up and running right away so you can start making money today. For a limited time I am also going to give you a FREE money making website. This website is already setup to make you money, all you need to do is activate the site.
A few insiders who currently use my secret system have reported incomes between $10,000 and over $100,000 per month. My system is proven to work not only for me but also for the insiders who currently are using it. You can start seeing amazing results all you have to do is get started today.
First let me tell you I am not an Internet guru by any means, I am an average person who found a way to make a fortune using the internet. I am now sharing my secret system with you. I grew up in a lower middle class family where my parents always fought about not having enough money. I knew this was not the way to live and there was a better life out there. So I set out to make my first million, after trying one business after another and failing at everything I tried. Not to mention getting my self in debt way over my head. I decided enough was enough. So I gave up for a short time and worked my 60 hour weeks. Notice I said 60 hour weeks and not 40, well I had piles of debt from trying to start a business so I worked all the overtime I could get my hands on just to try to get my self out of debt.
One day while I was working I came up with an idea on how I can make money online. I went home and turned on my computer and decided to explore the online world. I got so excited from the ideas in my head I decided to use one of my sick days and call off work the following day. I stayed up all night putting together this system to make money online finally at 4 in the morning it was up and running, and I went to bed. I went out for breakfast in the morning with a friend and when I returned home I turned on my computer and got online. I could not believe my eyes!!! I made $112 while I was sleeping and while I was out eating breakfast. This was as much money as I would earn working all day at my full time job.
So needless to say I was able to quit my job one month later because I had made over $16,000 in my first 30 days. I have perfected my system and now I make a fortune every month. Keep in mind that I only work for two hours per day. Some days I don't even do anything yet I make thousands of dollars every day. The best part is you can start using my secret money making system and seeing amazing results right away.

Do you want to know what the number one question I receive is? Ok I will tell you... why are you revealing this to the public? People say Mark if you are making all this money why wouldn't you keep it a secret? For a while I did, I never told anyone what I was doing. When I went from being flat broke to buying new cars and a new house all my friends and relatives started asking questions. At first I didn't tell anyone, then one day my best friend Matt came over and told me how his house was in foreclosure and he and his family would have no place to live in a months time.
Now that I was making money online I knew I could help him out in one of two ways. Number one I could just give him the money to pay the bank. But that would not really solve his problem because he was always broke. Or number two I could show him what I was doing to make money online. So for the first time ever I decided to share with someone my secret money making system. I showed Matt my system for making money online and just three months later Matt was able to pay off over $12,000 in debt and he was able to buy a brand new corvette with the money he had been making on the internet.
Once I saw my money making system work for Matt I decided to help out my other close friends and relatives and show them how Matt and I were making a fortune online. A month later I got a call from my cousin Sarah, she called to thank me for showing her my secret money making system. She told me she was now making online more than 3 times what she was making at her normal job and she was quitting her job in 2 weeks.
After I got off the phone with Sarah I realized there are so many other people out there who could use my system to make money online so I decided to put my system in an easy to follow course and call it Ultimate Wealth Package. When you purchase Ultimate Wealth Package you will get instant access to my step by step system. You will be able to start making money online right away from your computer.


Create Multiple Steams of Residual Income
Earn a full time income from home working on your computer
Step by step guide to making thousands of dollars weekly on the Internet
Become Debt Free
Internet secrets and strategies that can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars
Be able to Quit Your Job
Get your own money making web site
Purchase that new home or car you want
Free Updates for Life, Unlimited 24/7 Live Support. 1 on 1 coaching available
Work at home part time, and earn a full time income
Exclusive Bonus Items
Financial Freedom
Start living life exactly how you want to. Throw out your alarm clock, get rid of that arrogant boss of yours. Start going on vacations every other month. Get out of debt and buy that new home or your dream car you have always wanted. Now that you have access to my secret money making system, Ultimate Wealth Package you can be on your way to making your own fortune online from your computer. The digital age is upon us and the Internet is making millionaires out of ordinary people just like you and me. Why not be the next person to start making a fortune online.
I hope you take advantage of my system as it has helped turned my life style into one I only used to dream about. I know it can do the same for you. As amazing as it may sound, you're about to discover just like I did how you can start making a steady stream of income right from your computer. You'll receive instant access and you can start making money in less than an hour from now!